Juggling Convention

Yesterday we had an amazing day ! we went by bus in the morning at 9:00 o clock to the Juggling Convention , its an event where jugglers and circus artists come to show their skills and train, and to get to know others that juggle too. It was at The Three Gardens (sakhna).
We had to bring the equipments of the show to the stage, we prepared everything for the show and showed our performances , the audience enjoyed it alot :)
we learned from the other jugglers new tricks and talked with people from all over the world who are in the circus.
After the show we were free to do anything , so we went to swim in the natural pool with waterfalls. The view of the pool was amazing , and the water wasnt cold so it was nice to swim at. One of the boys claimed that he cant swim but it turned out that he is the best swimmer. After the fun in the water we went to a performance of really professional jugglers. it was a fascinating show , they were juggling with everything you can find on a breakfast table , like plates, cups , spoons etc...
In the evening , at 8;30 , there was afire show , it was boring and wasnt so nice, so we draw things on each other , and we left the show early .
When we came to Kefar Yashoua it was so boring and we regreted that we left the show , so we had to sit and just wait our sleeping time.
all in all , we enjoyed every moment of that day. C Ya !
Laura & Adham. <3

Hello it's me Inbar, I just want to add that it was my first day with the circus group of the Germans and the people from Maghar and Kefar Yehoshua. I'm in the group of kefar Yehoshua but at the beginning i was in vacations, thats why I came so late. Its was amazing seeing the show the first time and meeting the hole group. It was a very very cool and grat day for me.

12.April Ostersonntag

We got up today at 09:00 and we had breakfast, and we went to the circus
and we did training on trampoline and acrobatics.
we went to find the eastern surprise (chocolate) then we sat around and ate and then we made a break.

Heute sind wir alle um 09:00 hier gewesen und haben alle zusammen
gefrühstückt. Als nächstes haben wir unseren regulären Kreis gemacht, wo
wir den Tagesablauf besprochen haben. Nach einer kurzen Pause haben wir
dann Trainig gemacht, zunächst hatten wir Mittagspause am Ende dieser Pause haben wir wieder einen Kreis gemacht,dort wurde uns bescheid gesagt das wir
zusammen Ostern feiern. Dieses Fest feiern wir um uns an die Auferstehung
Jesus zu erinnern es war witzig weil alle sofort raus gerannt sind wir mussten teilweise sogar auf Bäume klettern. Danach sind wir alle mit einem
riesen Korb Süses (Schokolade)wir haben ein bisschen gegessen und weiter mit dem Training gemacht. Dann war es ca. 19:00 und wir haben abendbrot gegessen .

Und hier etwas sehr kreatives von meiner Mama:

bigmama -
Hoppel, hoppel
Who's running through the hohe Gras
I think it's just the Osterhas'.

"Ich glaub' es nicht!"
He ask me: "Why?"
"You should be hidden,
du und dein Ei !"

"I'm busy and hurry,
lass mich in Ruh'
mein Flugzeug geht mittags,
I have to do !"

"But it's Easter and you want go?"
"Yes to Israel, to see the show!"

"Das versteh ich, denn sie sind gut!
Pack deine Sachen und mach ihnen Mut!

That much chocolate for David and Adnan?????"
"Natürlich, das hab' ich doch gern' getan!

Denn dieses Ostern ist es noch besser,
because of they work both together!"

"Nun mach schon, beeil dich und küss sie from me
so manche im Sommer I will see."



Berliner Jugendgruppe vom Shake! zu Besuch in Nordisrael +++++++ 5.-17. April 2009 +++ Neuigkeiten hier...

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12.April Ostersonntag
We got up today at 09:00 and we had breakfast, and...
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circolibre - 16. Apr 2009, 14:06


April 2009


anne.timm@ circolibre.net




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